1.17.40448f5aab2 · ·
added a better from_timestamp to examples/py/fetch-bitfinex-ohlcv-history.py fix #4035 [ci skip]
1.17.4030e07a0f7 · ·
Fix fetchTickers to reject funding data Bitfinex2's 'fetchTickers' raises an exception when processing a funding ticker, e.g. 'fUSD', which is included in the 'tickers' endpoint, but is not a valid symbol in the markets array. This fails silently in JS, but raises an exception in python at: ``` market = self.markets_by_id['fUSD'] ``` [ci skip]
1.17.399c9d4080d · ·
liquid editOrder missing price ExchangeError → ArgumentsRequired #3965 [ci skip]