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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.20.6
    5c63db5a · 1.20.6 ·
    Stex fee fix
    Now it is 20%
    [ci skip]
  • 1.20.5
    1664fbac · 1.20.5 ·
    cex php transpilation fix
    [ci skip]
  • 1.20.4
    c4164392 · 1.20.4 ·
    appveyor php7.4
    [ci skip]
  • 1.20.3
    8986e485 · 1.20.3 ·
    upbit POST vs DELETE fix #6194
    [ci skip]
  • 1.20.2
    22852eea · 1.20.2 ·
    upbit cancelOrder leftover fix #6194
    [ci skip]
  • 1.20.1
    81fca426 · 1.20.1 ·
    1.20.0 minor version checkpoint
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.100
    475899ba · 1.19.100 ·
    [ci skip]
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.99
    aca4d625 · 1.19.99 ·
    upbit cancelOrder fix #6194
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.98
    0a2c99d2 · 1.19.98 ·
    [ci skip]
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.97
    5c8c9f3d · 1.19.97 ·
    build/vss readme version fixup
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.96
    644b8429 · 1.19.96 ·
    Stex parseTicker fix
        id: 2,
        amount_multiplier: 1,
        currency_code: 'ETH',
        market_code: 'BTC',
        currency_name: 'Ethereum',
        market_name: 'Bitcoin',
        symbol: 'ETH_BTC',
        group_name: 'BTC',
        group_id: 1,
        ask: '0.02066300',
        bid: '0.02065704',
        last: '0.02066011',
        open: '0.02077524',
        low: '0.02040562',
        high: '0.02090000',
        volume: '458.12190698',
        volumeQuote: '22179.73021984',
        count: '6851',
        fiatsRate: {
          USD: 7061.82,
          EUR: 6359.5,
          UAH: 165419,
          AUD: 10247.02,
          IDR: 98262301,
          CNY: 48850,
          KRW: 8165345,
          JPY: 752858,
          VND: 159706147,
          INR: 491764,
          GBP: 5355.81,
          CAD: 9171.99,
          BRL: 29317,
          RUB: 444946
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.95
    2d8935bf · 1.19.95 ·
    stex py/php files
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.94
    acf20431 · 1.19.94 ·
    added CoinFabrik to See Also section
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.93
    6048169a · 1.19.93 ·
    build/ Add generated php/python files, only exchange files
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.92
    2bdeefab · 1.19.92 ·
    Fix: Add base files
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.91
    efcff84c · 1.19.91 ·
    binance withdraw() added comments for USDT ERC20 vs USDT Omni #6184 #6017
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.90
    add835a0 · 1.19.90 · missing Content-Type header workaround fix #6186
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.89
    ed1d4b80 · 1.19.89 ·
    bitmax public api market ids fixup
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.88
    0a440bdf · 1.19.88 · use safe* accessors
    [ci skip]
  • 1.19.87
    cc133921 · 1.19.87 ·
    bitMart createOrder fix
    it works without exponents
    [ci skip]