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2013.01.11, Version 0.9.6 (Unstable)

* V8: update to

* node: remove ev-emul.h (Ben Noordhuis)

* path: make basename and extname ignore trailing slashes (Bert Belder)

* typed arrays: fix sunos signed/unsigned char issue (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: Fix {stdio:'inherit'} regression (Ben Noordhuis)

* child_process: Fix pipe() from child stdio streams  (Maciej Małecki)

* child_process: make fork() execPath configurable (Bradley Meck)

* stream: Add readable.push(chunk) method (isaacs)

* dtrace: x64 ustack helper (Fedor Indutny)

* repl: fix floating point number parsing (Nirk Niggler)

* repl: allow overriding builtins (Ben Noordhuis)

* net: add localAddress and localPort to Socket (James Hight)

* fs: make pool size coincide with ReadStream bufferSize (Shigeki Ohtsu)

* typed arrays: implement load and store swizzling (Dean McNamee)

* windows: fix perfctr crash on XP and 2003 (Scott Blomquist)

* dgram: fix double implicit bind error (Ben Noordhuis)