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- [Bump parallel_tests from 2.22.0 to 2.22.1 in /Library/Homebrew/test]( (@Homebrew)
- [os/mac: note installation docs need bumped too.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [formulary: NameError makes formulae unreadable.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [.rubocop: tweak rules.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [Revert "Add `$LOAD_PATH` for RuboCop cops."]( (@Homebrew)
- [tests: handle file leaks and SVN test prompt.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [Improve Homebrew/brew line length.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [tests: set HOME.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [cleanup: fix go_cache cleanup]( (@DomT4)
- [Fix `CurlApacheMirrorDownloadStrategy` URL resolution.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [Avoid network call in `#initialize`.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [Skip migration if cache is empty or doesn’t exist.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [quarantine: do not automatically follow symlinks]( (@amyspark)
- [Only migrate cache files containing `--`.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [Skip `mtime` for non-existent symlink.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [Resolve URL to get real file extension.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [[Security] Bump rubyzip from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 in /docs]( (@Homebrew)
- [Enable quarantining of Homebrew-Cask's downloads]( (@amyspark)
- [superenv: Use 02 optimization flag for Linux builds]( (@iMichka)
- [docs/Maintainer-Guidelines: add lead maintainer guidelines.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [go: support & use aggressive caching]( (@DomT4)
- [text_cop: update `cargo build` cop]( (@commitay)
- [Add `$LOAD_PATH` for RuboCop cops.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [Fix executable with spaces.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [style: Fix npe and add test for corrected offense results]( (@GauthamGoli)
- [audit: Use `fetch` with default value prevent NPE]( (@GauthamGoli)
- [Don’t use `CLI::Cleanup` in `Auditor`.]( (@reitermarkus)
- [audit: Add null check on style results]( (@GauthamGoli)
- [Check version conflicts using linkage.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [extract: update docs]( (@alebcay)
- [audit: Show RuboCop offense correction status and count in output]( (@GauthamGoli)
- [Add new extract dev command to retrieve old versions of formulae]( (@alebcay)
- [Fix for Linux make shim]( (@maxim-belkin)
- [ Export HOMEBREW_GIT]( (@woodruffw)
- [audit: remove "`bottle` is not defined"]( (@commitay)
- [formula_cellar_checks: .dylib and .framework are macOS-specific]( (@maxim-belkin)
- [manpage: update from latest homebrew-bundle docs.]( (@MikeMcQuaid)
- [dev-cmd/bottle: save local_filename to json]( (@scpeters)
- [`.tar.lz` ≠ `.tar.lzma`]( (@reitermarkus)
- [Ignore unparsable system languages.]( (@reitermarkus)